Monday, May 7, 2012

The Sweetest Cupcake Ever!!!

WELL! It has been more than a year since my last post....and for good reason I might add! On December 14, 2011, at 10:09 pm, THE SWEETEST CUPCAKE EVER.....Miss Kendal Simone Seward was born! My beautiful little cupcake weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. and was 19 3/4 ins. long. I also had the pleasure of becoming MRS. Kimberly Renee-Veney Seward on September 17, 2011...WHEW!!!! WHAT....A....YEAR!!!!

Giving birth to my daughter is THE greatest thing I've ever done in my life! For most of my life I feared that I would endure many calamities regarding pregnancy and delivery. I am SO honored to say that NONE of them transpired. I had a GREAT pregnancy and WONDERFUL delivery. I got my wish to do deliver her the old-fashioned way....push her out...shove her out.....waaaaay out! (Hommage to Bill Cosby - LOL)! I got to feel the greatest joy in the world - giving birth to another life. NOTHING in this world can even come close to how awesome that feels!
I look at her everyday, kiss her, hug her and Thank GOD for the blessing she is to me! She is now my greatest inspiration and best reason to ACT on my dreams. I have a dream so vivid that I can touch, smell and yes, TASTE it! It's a dream of running a business where not only are people recipients of delicious food, but they become creators of delicious food! I am not only a purveyor, but also teacher. I dream of writing more, doing more and being AMAZINGLY happy! I need this dream to be reality for us! For me, so that I can truly live my dream life and for her to see that she can do ANYTHING she wants. I need to be her most important example; And I intend to do so. I am Mommy after all - LOL and THAT'S what Mommy's do! Just as mine does for me! She inspires me with love, conviction, pusurverence and a candidness that corrects yet soothes. That's the Mommy I want to be for Kendal!
In THAT vein new flavors have sprung! New ideas and increased passion! For instance, KSS - my newest cupcake flavor that brings together lucious chocolate, spicy cinnamon and sweet caramel into one delicious bite! Then there's Lemon Loves Chocolate.....Rich chocolate cupcake filled with a sunny yummy meyer lemon filling and topped with a buttercream so lucious it melts not only in your mouth, but ushers in a bliss not often acheived by a dessert!
I'm also playing around with different flours and sugars so that I can mass produce cakes and not have to make the batter each time. I pride myself on making everything from scratch, so I need to find a way to mass produce my cakes using a mix that I concocte. One idea I have is to replace granulated sugar with powdered sugar. I tried this with not so good results. The cake was drier and a bit less sweet than my normal. But I was also using 6x confectioner's sugar instead of 10x. That might have made the difference. I intend to try again.
Something else I have been DYING to perfect is the buttercream in chocolates. I now have a theory. MAYBE it's one of the European buttercreams. Maybe's definetly not Italian, although it could be a variation. In any case, I have to also find a stabilizer (preservative) for them for shelving. Unless I intend for them to always be eaten within two weeks (as is the case with The Chocolate Box in St. Martin)

In regards to actually DOING my dream and not just dreaming, I recently got an opportunity to provide desserts to a local company once a month.  April was the trial month and I'm proud to say it was a success and I get to do it again this month!! YAAAAAY ME!

Now that I have my cupcake, planning and scheduling are crucial.  I've not been much of a scheduler in my life soooo...this is alll new to me  - LOL.  ANY great suggestion on mastering this would be greatly appreciated! I'm also in another new life employee!!! WHEW! For the last 12 years of my life I've been a Freelance American Sign Language Interpreter which meant I could set my schedule any way I wanted, even though I worked a ton of hours, they were still on MY terms.  NOW, I'm going to the same place everyday. While I am SOOOOOOO glad for the MUCH needed opportunity, it's a bit of a foreign concept to me, but so far so great! This is a great opportunity for me to GET on a schedule and sticking with it! Way to go God for answereing a prayer.  He doesn't always answer them in the manner we expect, but rather in the manner we need!  It is comforting to know that there is a plan for my life even though my way may need to be re-directed at times.

The website is still coming along and I'm proud to say it is now LIVE!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! . Book sales have been at ZERO - but Heck....I had a baby!!!! So I am looking to kick that up again As well as prepare for the next iteration. I don't have a title yet, but I know tons of ways I intend to improve upon the first one!

Excitedly, I look forward to all this newness in my life!  Being Mommy to my beautiful baby girl is almost MORE than I can fathom and everyday I hold her is the best day of my life.  KNOWING that my husband truly loves and supports me is truly one of my greatest blessings and having the opportunity to roll up my sleeves and do what I want is astounding. So....EXCITEDLY, NERVOUSLY and GLEEFULLY I put back on my white jacket, tie on my purple head scarf and shout: LET'S PLAY WITH FOOD!!!!

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