Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sometimes Sweet....Sometimes Savory and Sometimes.....Bitter

So...inherently this post is not about desserts, well maybe a bit of dessert stuff will be thrown in here and there - LOL.

Life, as we all know can be sooooooo......soooooo  very sweet! The laughs, giggles, hugs and blessings that make everyday feel like it's a perfect summer day when all the flowers are in bloom, dreamy white clouds lazily float by and you lay in the warmth of the day trying to imagine what shapes the clouds are making.

For sometime however, my days have been more snowy than sunny and the clouds have been more ominous than dreamy....literally and metaphorically!  WORST....WINTER....EVER!!!!!!!

God in his awesomeness has though given provision, clarity, love and a TON of hugs and kisses, which has made the snowy days feel at times, like summer. For THAT AND His Grace and Mercy, I am eternally grateful!!! I DO believe that all.....ALL things are intended to work together for the good! NO matter HOW dark, cloudy and down right ugly life can become.

Many of us who are of some form or other spiritually connected, particularly us Christians speak of a 'Hell' that we are experience at times in our lives. "Pray for me Saints, The Devil is Busy", is a theme that resonates through many a church on Sunday morning, or in the hallways of work or stores as we pass each other. MANY of us speak of an almost unbearable circumstance or set of circumstances for which we ask for prayer.

What we DON'T admit too often is....how...we...got there, or WHO put is in this Hell we speak about and we are slow to admit our own wrong doings or repeated offenses even AFTER we have been given a MULTITUDE of chances, outs, forgiveness and fresh starts.

Well, I have been TRULY in a Hell that seemed insurmountable...AND..... I'm the one who got me there! Yup - no longer ashamed to admit.....My shit don't smell like a flower garden! (Although, I would like to have thought it did).

Pretty daunting thing when you think about it! Admitting that through all the posts, the smiles, the laughs and pretty pictures, my feet was burnin' from the Hell I allowed myself to fall into.


BUT.......SPRING is SPRINGING and I am embarking on new ventures and a new ME!!!! I will NOT in this post or in verbal utterance PROMISE to do ANYTHING  Fantasimal, Stupendance or otherwise High and Lofty OTHER THAN BE ME - authentic and wonderful.  THAT is (as I have been told) is good enough! Find the strength to stretch, search, do and BE who I am meant to be in this life.

Going on my Mom's recent theme 'No Expectations'. My addendum to that....Just follow authentically and with respect and reverence in the path I am supposed to follow, that is all.

This Hell that I have jumped into has TRULY been Life Altering! Got my Ass KICKED and brought back to reality. Along the way however, I HAVE experienced PROFOUND forgiveness, prayer, love and encouragement! THAT has made this hell a great bit cooler and extremey humbling.

So the Sweet...where is it? It's coming!!!!!! SOON, I pray! Soon! Nowhere to go from here, but up. There really isn't a lower down to reach.

Is there fear? Ummmm...maybe, but (talking to myself now), I need to move through it with strength. I am by nature a risk taker....blindly at many times and calculated at others (more the former than latter). So, now in moving out of this hell, I look forward to seeing the pictures that occur. The ones that I CAN look at and say...I'M HAPPY! This is a picture I like! No fear behind it, no angst, just a Happy Me.

So - no this post is not inherently about desserts and my adventures with them, but maybe in part it is as well; because while I have been in this hell, I have created the most amazing desserts to date! I have had some projects that this time last year would've caused me to turn into a Mad Woman, yet somehow I found the hutzpah to do them beautifully and without stress. All things - ALL things working together for the good! To find the strength to commit, to do and deliver. Unapologetically and Professionally, deliver what I would deem as MY best. This I believe too, is a part of the many lessons I am learning.

OY - The Sweet, Savory and at times, bitter of being a grown-up! There is a great deal of relief in coming out of this hell; Looking honestly at myself and saying....This is ALL ON YOU, BOO! Not pointing at others for the hell and admitting to my loved ones, I did this, I'm sorry (for the millionenth time) and praying, trusting and believing, this hell....I will never see again.

I lean now on a prayer someone prayed for me....My latter shall be better my former!